Monday, April 17, 2017

Pre-Release Material Session May/June 2017 with Solution

Pre Release Material  
Summer 2017 | O Levels | Computer Science 
In Preparation for the examination candidates should attempt the following practical tasks by writing and testing a program or programs. 
The Organizer of a senior citizens’ club has arranges outings for the members. For each of these outings a coach is hired, meals at a restaurant are reserved and tickets for the theater has booked. A program is required to work out the costs and provide a printed list showing everyone on the outing. 
Write and test a program for the club organizer. 
Your program must include appropriate prompts for the entry of data. 
Error message and other output need to be set out clearly.         
All variables, constants and other identifiers must have meaningful names.

You will need to complete these three tasks. Each task must be fully tested. 
  Work out the total cost of the outing. 

The organizer finds out how many senior citizens are interested in the outing. The program for Task 1 works out the cost for the information. 
Number of people  
Hire of couch  
Cost of a meal  
Cost of theater ticket  
12 – 16 
17 – 26 
27 – 39 
The minimum number of senior citizens needed for the outing to go ahead is 10; there cannot be more than 36 senior citizens on the outing. A minimum of two carers go on the outing. With an additional carer needed if more than 24 citizens go on the outing. Carers do not have to pay anything for the outing. Workout the total cost per person for the senior citizens.

Task 2  
  Record who is going on the outing and how much has been paid. 
Using your results from Task 1, record the names of the people on the outing and the amount they have paid; include the carers on the outing. If there are spare places on the coach then extra people can be added; they are charged the same price as the other citizens. Calculate the total amount of money collected. Print out the list of the people on the outing. 

Task 3  
  Identify the break-even point or profit that will be made on the outing. 
Show whether the outing has made a profit or has broken even using the estimated cost from the Task 1 and money collected from Task 2. 

Solution (Pseudo Code)
Task 1

INPUT “Enter numbers of senior citizens : ”, citizen

WHILE (citizen < 10 OR citizen > 36)
PRINT (“The minimum number is 10 and maximum number is 36.”)
INPUT (“Enter numbers of senior citizens :”), citizen

IF citizen > 24 THEN people = citizen + 3 
    ELSE People = citizen + 2

IF people >= 12 AND people <= 16 THEN CoachCost=150 total = 150 + (14.00 * people) + (21.00 * people) ENDIF
IF people >= 17 AND people <= 26 THEN CoachCost=190 total = 190 + (13.50 * people) + (20.00 * people) ENDIF
IF people >= 27 AND people <= 39 THEN CoachCost=225 total = 225 + (13.00 * people) + (19.00 * people) ENDIF
CostPerPerson = total/citizen
PRINT (“Extra people can be added; they will be charged the same as the senior citizens.”)

IF people >= 12 AND people <= 16 THEN seats = 16 – people ENDIF
IF people >= 17 AND people <= 26 THEN seats = 26 – people ENDIF
IF people >= 26 AND people <= 39 THEN seats = 39 – people ENDIF
ExtraAmount = CostPerPerson * seats
TotalAmount = total + ExtraAmount 
UpdatedPeople = people 

IF seats >= 1 THEN UpdatedPeople = people + seats
 PRINT (“seats available for ”, seats,” person(s), Enter Name and Amount for people will to go for outing”)
FOR d = c to UpdatedPeople
INTPUT (“Enter the name of person on the outing”) , name(d)
INTPUT (“Enter the amount paid by the person     ”) , amount(d)
                                 AmountPaid = AmountPaid + amount(d)

FOR c = 1 to UpdatedPeople
            PRINT (“The Citizens’ Name :”, name(c) ,” & the amount submitted :”, amount(c))

Task 3
EstimatedCost = CoachCost+(UpdatedPeople*(MealCost+TicketCost))
Profit = AmountPaid – EstimatedCost
IF profit > 0 THEN PRINT (“ The Profit Gained : “, profit)
ELSE PRINT (“The Break Even Point Value : “,total)


Task 3 is all about finding the profit by subtracting the expected cost calculated in task 1 with the total of amount paid in task 2. But we also have to carefully add the meal and ticket cost of extra people going on the outing in the expected cost, using formula : EstimatedCost = CoachCost + (people x (meal cost + ticket cost)) and then, Amount paid - Estimated Cost 

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